Thursday, November 03, 2005

An Ode to Hershey's Special Dark Cocoa Powder

I looked about the store
To find a cocoa for
My pantry needed more.

I walked about the aisle,
It seemed about a mile,
And promptly found a pile.

One struck me as unique
Upon a second peek
I found what I did seek.

So wrong was I!
I can only sigh,
That that Hershey's did lie.

Sophisticated taste, my ass!
"Special" is all wrong, alas.
If you find it, you must pass!

Like Oreos did my buttercream taste
When I added the cocoa with haste
The black stuff became a vile paste.

Only with pure chocolate could I
Fix the foul mess and rectify
The travesty I could barely sanctify.

Let this be a lesson, gentle reader
Let not Hershey's taint your beater

Let Ghiradelli reign supreme
And then every single cake will beam.


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