Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Empanadita Notes

Before I went out and finally bought cloves, all I had on hand was allspice and cinnamon. This works. Lard I don't buy, but shortening I do. This also works. Wax paper nothing! I use plastic wrap everytime.

It always takes a surprisingly little amount of pumpkin goo to fill the empanadita. Too much and it all goos out the sides. Happens everytime for me. As long as the dough is pinched together tight enough it won't be a problem. If it doesn't seal though, you'll end up with a burst-open empanadita. It's still okay for the most part, but the filling sometimes burns.

I have yet to buy a round cookie cutter. It seems ridiculous when I have so many perfectly serviceable water glasses on hand.

I prick the vents before egg washing the wee bastards. That way I can gently hold down the sides while pricking it. If you aren't careful, you can break open the seal, and it's a pain to fix a broken empanadita.

Caution: These take a while to form. I recommend suckering someone into helping you. It always shocks me how long it takes me to make a batch.

The original recipe has always yielded way too much filling for me. I'm pretty sure I could double the pastry recipe and have enough filling. Never tried it though, so don't quote me, I'll only deny it.


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